Wednesday 28 March 2012

Jack - Letter Six


This is the second letter I've written to you today. I've become surprisingly vengeful recently. I really hate the person this is turning me into. I didn't like her anyway, she is your ex after all but since I saw I'm starting to really really hate her.

She keeps posting on things to do with our new baby girl and it's starting to taint it for me. I wish she'd just fuck off and leave me, you and Tehya alone but I know I'm being unfair. She's your friend still, you were friends way before I even knew you and I don't want to be the kind of girlfriend who forces you to stop seeing people.

So I won't be, even if it would make me feel better. Part of me would like it if you were cut off from all of your ex girlfriend's completely, instead of still having them on social networking sites and Skype. I know it's unreasonable though so I'm not going to make an issue out of it if it kills me.



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